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Virtual Bird Share & Happy Hour

On Tuesday, August 25th, sit down with your favorite happy hour libation and catch up with other Phoebes during our first-ever virtual Bird Share. While we haven’t been able to connect in person over the last several months, many of us have used our time at home to bird and explore our backyards and beyond. And, we want to hear about it.


So how does it work? During this virtual Bird Share, participating Phoebes will have an opportunity to share a recent birding experience with the group. Whether you want to humble-brag about your ever-growing backyard bird list or show off an epic photo from a recent walk, take the stage during this birdy show-and-tell and share it with the Phoebes!

If you’d like to share, make sure to specify in the registration form below.

Don’t have a photo or story to share? That’s okay! You can still hang out and listen in!

We look forward to seeing you!

  • WHAT: Virtual Bird Share & Happy Hour.

  • WHEN: Tuesday, August 25th, 2020 at 7 PM

  • WHERE: Virtual via Zoom!

  • RSVP: Register using the link below and we’ll email you a Zoom meeting link before the event begins.

  • HOW TO SHARE: When RSVPing, please specify whether you’ll be sharing a photo or story during the Bird Share. If sharing a photo(s), please send your image(s) to along with the identification of any birds pictured ahead of time. This way we’ll have your image(s) ready-to-go when it's your time to share! Preferred image format: JPEG (2000px wide).

  • QUESTIONS? Email Kirsten V. at

  • RSVP: Use the form below or email


If sharing a photo(s), please send your image(s) to along with the identification of any birds pictured. Preferred image format: JPEG (2000px wide).