Kendall Indian Hammocks Field Trip 2025

Saturday, February 22, 2025 • Kendall Indian Hammocks Park • Report by Andrea Diamond

Twenty-three women joined Phoebes field trip leaders Miriam Avello and Andrea Diamond for an enjoyable birding and nature walk at Kendall Indian Hammocks Park on February 22, 2025.

It was a gorgeous day in South Florida with mild temperatures around 75 degrees and a gentle breeze. Twenty-eight bird species were observed by the group. In addition to getting some crowd-pleasing views of several species including Cedar waxwings, the group had the opportunity to learn about the native habitat that covers much of this urban park. 

A fruiting fig tree near the front entrance to the park was especially busy with warblers and waxwings. Late in the morning the group was able to see a Western tanager spotted by Michele Louden, an exciting finale to a wonderful morning of birding and socializing.

To see a list of all the species observed, view the eBird list here.


Mourning Dove

White Ibis

Turkey Vulture

Cooper's Hawk

Red-tailed Hawk

Red-bellied Woodpecker

Downy Woodpecker

American Kestrel


Eastern Phoebe

Blue-headed Vireo

Blue Jay

Fish Crow

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher

Northern Mockingbird

American Robin

Cedar Waxwing

Common Grackle

Boat-tailed Grackle

Black-and-white Warbler

Northern Parula

Palm Warbler (Western)

Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle)

Yellow-throated Warbler

Prairie Warbler

Black-throated Green Warbler

Western Tanager

Northern Cardinal