Green Heron by Andrea Diamond
Andrea Diamond will lead a Phoebes bird walk to Peaceful Waters Sanctuary in Wellington, Palm Beach County. Peaceful Waters is a wetlands with views of a retention pond behind it. Ducks are often seen in the pond. The area consists of boardwalks and berms. There are Purple Martin houses you can stand next to and watch the birds and their babies flying in and out. The berms have shade but the boardwalks are in full sun.
You can potentially see wading birds, warblers, woodpeckers, sora, hawks and hopefully the ducks will still be there. There’s also a chance we might see Spotted Sandpipers, Greater Yellowlegs and Lesser Yellowlegs and Indigo Buntings. A Ruff was found there in April 2021. So there is always the possibility of another rarity showing up. Otters live there too. It’s not crowded so it is a nice environment for a bird walk.
WHAT: Bird Walk at Peaceful Waters Sanctuary with Andrea Diamond, for female nature buffs of any experience level.
WHEN: Sunday, April 16, 2023, 7:30-11AM
WHERE: Peaceful Waters Sanctuary. 11676 Pierson Rd, Wellington, FL 33414. Take the turnpike North and get off on Lake Worth Road, Exit 93. Go west (turn right) 4 miles and turn right on 120 Ave. The entrance will be on your right in about a half mile. We will meet in the parking lot.
What to Pack: Hat, sunscreen, rain gear and binoculars. (If you don’t have binoculars, there will be some binoculars on loan on a first-come, first-served basis.)
BONUS: Join the Phoebes afterwards for a picnic at the park. Please bring your favorite picnic bites to share!
Wood Duck by Andrea Diamond